Lifebeats First Aid

When Seconds Count

Downtown Alliston, 103 Victoria Street West, Unit 4(upstairs), 705-250-LIFE (5433),
Downtown Alliston
103 Victoria Street West
Unit 4(upstairs)
705-250-LIFE (5433)


AED training provides knowledge of how the heart works and what goes wrong when defibrillation is required. Participants learn when and how to operate an AED safely, including AED maintenance, data management and how to report an event after your AED is used. This course is designed for Workplace First Aiders who's company has an AED, and/or members of the public who have an AED/Public Access Defibrillator (PAD) program in place.

Why Choose Lifebeats for your AED Sale & Training

* Competitively priced with competitor's AEDs

* Our AED is the same manufacturer as our local EMS Service (Simcoe County) uses, and we are able to hook into the Paramedics AEDs quickly to decrease down time on patient

* Our AEDs have escalating joules as shocks are delivered (200J, 300J, 360J), same as Paramedics AEDs

* We will assist in locating a prime location for your AED installation in your home or workplace
* We will deliver and setup your AED

* We will register your AED with local EMS - notify dispatch of the type and location of your AED

* We will keep track of expiration dates of batteries, electrodes/pads, and staff who required recertification

* We will contact you when the battery & pad expiry is near, order and restock items (as necessary), prices available on request

* We will send you necessary documents for monthy check lists

* We will provide a loaner AED in the event that your AED requires servicing during your 8 year warranty, so you will always have an AED